Overview: Posts to read - cold weather tips

Overview: Posts to read - cold weather tips

In case you might have missed some of my posts, I would like to do an overview so that you may get back to cold weather posts. I write my articles, tips, reviews and pieces of advice with the intention to withstand the test of time.

So in some cases, it is better to show you one post more times, to repeat the thought.

And because usually, we feel the coldness, through head, hand or feet, let's start with feet. Now I realise that I haven't done any post for gloves, that might be an inspiration for me. Also, I would like to show you some of my winter boots I wear in the upcoming article.

Anyway, I made a comprehensive guide about socks at the beginning of the year which you will find here - The Ultimate (Winter) socks guide. It is crucial and often overlooked that shoes themselves don't really help achieve warmness effectively.

The next one I would certainly recommend for you to check if you haven't done that already is my new "The Autumn Knitwear Guide". Which arguably applies to winter weather as well. A rather comprehensive guide for knit types, materials and so on.

The Autumn Knitwear Guide - Part One - Part Two - Part Three

If you are a fan of hoodies, don't miss my "How to wear a hoodie like a grown-up" post. Lately, I find myself to wear more casual clothes, and this is one of my favourite ways how to be relaxed and yet rakish.

Ph.: by Petr Honc

Because you probably wear a coat in winter (or perhaps switching with a jacket), I have an excellent tip for you. My post from the last year with Double-breasted cashmere coat is awaiting your attention. It is made by Suitsupply where you can get cashmere coat for a very good price. Of course, it is RTW that may be a reason for some imperfections. This colour you probably won't find in their offer anymore, but they have more beautiful shades and possibilities.

And if you fancy workwear or more rugged style I would recommend to check this post full of flannel shirts. It's not the outer layer, but sometimes we must build our warm from the base layer further. It certainly helps more than a cotton T-shirt.

Well, and as a present before presents, you can see this article created at the end of the last year as Autumn inspiration, but then again, I think you'd be able to survive winter with it as well. You can find them here.

That would be all for today, hope you're having a great and safe time. Please stay in the mood for another post; they are coming soon. I opt now to post something new every Thursday. So I hope I'll see you there.