Liverano & Liverano knitted t-shirt

There is something undeniably appealing about wearing fine knitwear on your body. That silky feeling, the way fabric moves – it is a pure pleasure for the eye of the observer and wearer.

The first time I pulled out my The Owners flannel suit this Autumn was with this Liverano & Liverano knitted t-shirt. For reasons stated above and for some I cannot explain, this feels decadently luxurious to me. The good thing is that the knitwear doesn't have to be extremely expensive, although you should note some quality. But even a lot of good makers are sometimes in the sale.

This outfit shows how you can wear a suit for your own pleasure, in a more casual way. But slightly unusual and very attractive way. Meaning, knitted t-shirt or finely knitted crewneck from merino, lambswool or cashmere will be more appealing than a classic t-shirt or a t-shirt in heavier cotton, which is still much better than a classic t-shirt in my opinion.

One of the things I like about knitted t-shirts is the finishing of sleeves and around the neck with the (usually) fine rib. Classic t-shirt often features wider sleeves – knitted t-shirt hugs around your biceps just right and gently. Also, it doesn't have to be made necessarily from wool; The Anthology offers an excellent selection made from cotton and still looks more stylish than a classic. I have my eyes for that one as well for some while.

As mentioned before, this beautiful piece of garment is my "souvenir" from a Liverano & Liverano store in Florence, Italy. It is a part of their REACH collection they made because of Covid for relatively better prices than there would generally be. And the collection was in the sale and still is. So if you want to make yourself a nice day and get the cold season covered, feel free to visit their website.

By the way, the Liverano store is lovely. Everything from displayed garments over well-dressed assistants to perfect hangers is outstanding. So I was only a bit disappointed when, after I made my purchase, I asked (mailed) a question if they could tell me more about where this collection REACH – especially knitwear – was made, how, and a few words about materials they used. But this remained unanswered.

Though I understand not every information may be accessible to the client, I believe it should, and it would cost a few rows of text and a minimum of time to answer a majority of my questions. But the store I would surely love to visit again.

Not to produce some hate here, but I heard this in common threads podcast - opinion that some Italian tailors, even the well-known ones, sometimes feel very focused on a sale but not make any customer service afterwards. So I will be monitoring this for the future and see if that's true.

A few words as a conclusion – this Liverano & Liverano knitted t-shirt is made from fine merino wool, and I found it lovely especially worn with a flannel suit. I love the play of textures. For the same reason, I look forward to wearing it with my Colhay's cardigan as a great layering of knits – that could be a perfect combination of how to defeat a coldness. The lower hem is finished straightforwardly; therefore, one would gladly wear it tucked in.

There is nothing wrong with that, but as it is a knit and not simple cotton shirt, if your trousers are made to be tight or "just right", it feels even tighter, so be careful about this. My suit has side adjusters, which I wear slightly tight; therefore, I let them loose to make it more comfortable.

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Yours Sincerely,


All photos by Petr Honc