Summer essentials

My blog is primarily about clothes, but there are always some accessories behind all of it. Such as applying deodorant and fragrance in the morning before you'll choose your outfit. And I thought it might be convenient to share my recommendations and experiences and inspire you to look into this matter this summer.

Currently, my favourite deodorant is Corpus, specifically a California scent. It's 100% organic. I use it because that the scent is fantastic and lasts long. I tried some other from Corpus, but California is my fav one. Lately, I've also been using Malin + Goetz bergamot deodorant, but I'm not fond of it as much as Corpus. Mainly because of consistency, it's not too firm nor too soft. Just right.


For fragrances, my staple for many years are Hermés colognes. Fresh, refined and pleasant, I'm a fan of them for a very long time, and I would recommend them to everyone looking for an original, effortless fragrance for spring/summer. You can choose between 8 scents or so in different sizes and sometimes even concentration. My favourite ones are "Eau de Pamplemousse Rose" and "Eau de Mandarine Ambreé".

I don't particularly appreciate applying classic sun cream on the skin. It drives me mad for some reason. That's why I am fond of this Soleil Toujours sunscreen mist. A mist is much more pleasant to apply, and it smells beautiful. All the sun creams smell the same, but this is different. Better. Plus, I never burned myself using this.

I bought my Vuarnet Edge 1613 sunglasses last summer. Since then, I can't think of better ones, plus I love how they look so much. See more about them here.


A hat is my new favourite companion. As written in my book "Expensive Pleasure", there is an exciting story behind acquiring it. But since I have it, I must say I suddenly understand all those gentlemen hiding their head in a noble hat. Protection from the sun and living in shadow brings relief in summer walk around the city or anywhere else.

Yours Sincerely,


All photos by Petr Honc