How I got my Turnbull & Asser shirts

Turnbull & Asser is the epitome of a quality-made shirt. Elegant, flawless, versatile, and royalty admired shirts made with the tiniest attention to details. Every menswear enthusiast's dream - more mine, thanks to my obsession with the best things you can get for the money.

This won't be another story of me in the store (despite the UK finally reopened their stores), talking about the impeccable interior, range of goods and kind staff. Don't get me wrong, the T&A store on Jermyn St. have all these advantages, which I can personally confirm. However, I get these two shirts in a completely different way, one I would never expect.

For those who know me, I am no huge supporter of second-hands. However, I don't mind when people pass on garments in great conditions on specialized websites for the sake of lower overconsumption. For me, it is different between this way and second-hand; for someone, there is no difference, depending on the point of view.

Until now, even if I tried, I never achieve to find anything interesting. Two T&A shirts sold by a young man. Classic Sea Island Quality shirts in white and blue with french cuffs - precisely the size of collar that would comfortably fit me around the neck.


I was even more interested when I found out the story behind it. One man bought them at their store but later found out that size is not really convenient for him; after two or three wears, he passed them on to the young gentleman I was dealing with now. However, he also found shirts not fitted as he would wish. Yes, I was pleased, shirts which were worn a few times.

I immediately took the chance and got them for a fragment of the original price. Obviously, because English makers are focused more on a regular cut, it was bigger than needed. 39 cm around the neck is okay for me, but I would need 38 slim fit for the body - my eternal fight with RTW.

The solution is more than easy; take them to your tailor. That is why I focused on the correct dimension around the neck, as this is the only thing that would be arguably impossible to alter. With the body, Michal and Veronika from The Owners knew what to do.

I asked them to leave it still more towards the regular cut, but according to my body. I didn't want to lose T&A's signature house cut. And the result is splendid.

Shirts immediately became my favourite staple with my new flannel suit and for work-related moments. And I believe that with the tailor, we managed to achieve my desired fit like it would be made only for me. See for yourself and tell me, would you expect to purchase one of your best garments like this? I certainly didn't until now. One never stops learning.

Yours Sincerely,


All photos by Petr Honc